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Dangerous Goods Regulations: Changes and Updates

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Regulatory Updates

East Palestine, Improving Railway Safety

On February 3, 2023, a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, including 11 tank cars containing hazardous materials that left the tracks and ignited, resulting in a release to air, groundwater, and the surrounding community. As a result, Congress is developing legislation designed to improve rail safety. The proposed Railway Safety Act of 2023 would increase federal oversight designed to prevent future derailments. 该法案包含了促进铁路安全的关键举措,并增加了交通部可能对违反安全法规的铁路运营商施加的最高罚款. The bill also:

  • requires DOT to update rail car inspection regulations,
  • requires a minimum two-person crew for certain freight trains,
  • phases out certain tank cars by May 1, 2025 (four years sooner than required under current law),
  • expands training for local first responders,
  • imposes a new fee on certain rail carriers, and
  • provides funding for research and development to improve railway safety.

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U.S. 邮政服务于11月30日发布了关于运输含有锂电池和其他危险物质的电子设备的最终规则, 2022

On November 30, 2022, 美国邮政局(USPS)公布了一项最终规则,修订了其危险品邮政条例, Publication 52, covering used, damaged, or defective electronic devices containing or packed with lithium batteries. 美国邮政总局限制这些产品的邮寄,只能通过地面运输,并禁止通过空运邮寄. These packages must be marked “Restricted Electronic Device” and "Surface Transportation Only", in addition to all other required markings and labels. This change takes effect immediately. 此禁令不适用于原始包装的新器械或制造的经认证的新/翻新器械. 美国邮政总局表示,航空运输的包裹中含有未正确包装和标签的使用过的/有缺陷的锂电池的事件持续增加. 52号酒吧的新限制是为了保护公众和美国邮政员工的安全.  


IATA Significant Changes and Amendments in the 64th Edition (2023)

锂电池标志已修订,不再要求在标签上提供电话号码. There is a transition period until December 31, 2026 during which time the mark shown in the 63rd edition of the DGR may continue to be used.

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PHMSA关于电子危害通信替代方案的信息请求(RFI) - 2022年7月11日

On July 11, 2022, the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration published a Request for Information (RFI) on Electronic Hazard Communication Alternatives. PHMSA正在寻求关于可能使用电子通信替代电流的投入, physical documentation requirements for hazard communication. PHMSA anticipates that electronic communication would improve transportation safety, efficiency, 通过提供与目前纸质文件所要求的相同信息的电子访问来提高效率.

Comments were due into the Federal Docket by October 24, 2022. To see all comments received go to: Hazardous Materials: Request for Information on Electronic Hazard Communication Alternatives; Extension of Comment Period | PHMSA (

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PHMSA关于在商业运输中处置和回收锂电池的安全咨询公告- 5月17日, 2022

On May 17, 2022, PHMSA issued a Safety Advisory Notice 关于运输锂电池进行回收或处置的危险,以提高公众的整体意识.  PHMSA表示,危险材料调查人员经常看到托运人和承运人不正确地包装和运输锂电池以进行处理或回收. 这些危险包括锂电池包装不当,不能防止短路, mixing damaged lithium batteries with other batteries in the same packaging, 以及将电池装在盒子和桶中运输,而包装内容物的标识不恰当.

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Lithium Battery UN 38.3 Test Summaries - January 1, 2022

PHMSA, Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 C.F.R., Parts 171-180). Final Rule, May 11, 2020.

Effective January 1, 2022, for lithium cells and batteries being offered for transport, manufacturers must make available a test summary upon request. 测试摘要必须包括基于第38节所述的测试报告结果的特定元素列表.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria. This requirement includes all cells and batteries manufactured after January 1, 2008. This PHMSA rule differs from international requirements in two ways. First, it covers batteries manufactured after Jan. 1, 2008, whereas UN 38.3 goes back to 2003. The other difference is the compliance date. PHMSA extended their compliance date from 2020 to January 2022.


Changes to Packing Instructions for Lithium Cells and Batteries - January 2022

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), 63rd Edition (2022)

Starting January 2022, packing instructions 965 and 968 have been revised to remove Section II. 小型锂离子和锂金属电池和电芯将按照包装指令965和包装指令968的IB部分进行包装, as applicable. There is a 3-month transition period to March 31, 2022, to comply with this change. During which time shippers may continue to use Section II.

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新的国际危险货物仓库储存准备海上运输安全指南- 2021年12月

In response to recent warehouse incidents involving improper storage of dangerous goods, including Tianjin, China (2015) and Beirut, Lebanon (2020), a coalition of organizations including ICHCA, IVODGA, National Cargo Bureau, and the World Shipping Council has published a guidance document in the form of a White Paper in December 2021. The document covers topics on warehouse construction, operations, fire protection, 安全和应急响应,已得到港口运营商等行业利益攸关方的认可, insurance companies and associations. 它也已提交海事监管机构和国际海事组织考虑将其纳入国际要求.

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TSA Announces 100% Screening of International All-Cargo Flights - June 30, 2021

On June 30, 2021, TSA announced that all Importers, Exporters, Carriers, 货运代理必须遵守国际民航组织对所有国际货运航班的100%安检要求. 要求包括对货物进行筛选,以识别和/或检测隐藏爆炸物,并制定供应链安全控制措施,防止将隐藏爆炸物引入航空货物. This rule is not new and has been in effect for cargo on commercial passenger aircraft since 2010. As a result,  on June 14, 2021, TSA published Federal Register Notice 86, No 112 FR 31512, announcing the Secured Packing Facility (SPF) program. 

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OSHA Interpretation Regarding Lithium-Ion Batteries as Articles - June 23, 2021

OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Letter of Interpretation dated June 23, 2021.

On June 23, 2021, OSHA published an Interpretation Letter 欧洲便携式电池协会澄清说,它不认为锂离子电池是危险通信标准(HCS)下的“物品”,因此不能免除对安全数据表的要求. OSHA表示,其决定是基于公共和政府信息来源,这些信息表明锂离子电池故障可能会带来火灾/物理危险和有毒暴露危险.g., lithium, cobalt) to workers during normal use and foreseeable emergencies.

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Lithium Batteries as Cargo on Passenger Aircraft, State of Charge and Alternative Packaging Provisions - March 6, 2019

PHMSA Interim Final Rule, March 6, 2019.         

This interim final rule (IFR) which becomes effective immediately amends the HMR to (1) prohibit the transport of lithium-ion cells and batteries as cargo on passenger aircraft; (2) requires all lithium ion cells and batteries to be shipped at not more than a 30 % state of charge on cargo-only aircraft; and (3) limits the use of alternative provisions for small lithium cell or batteries to one package per consignment. 这些修正案不会限制乘客或机组人员携带含有锂电池或电池的个人物品或电子设备登机,也不会限制锂离子电池或电池与设备一起包装或包含在设备中的航空运输.                

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